Sadiq Group has always been exuberant to fulfill their commitment of promoting the production
and consumption of high quality poultry products in Pakistan. SB Group has never missed an
opportunity to mobilize and celebrate safe farming activities and significance of poultry products
in daily lives. Resolute for the commitment, SB Group celebrated World Eggs Day, 2023 with
great zeal and enthusiasm. Arid University, Rawalpindi held an event on 13th October, 2023,
sponsored by Sadiq Group in accordance with the spirit of this day and honored the director and
other leading figures of SB Group by inviting them to spread awareness on the sustainable
poultry practices and benefits of eggs.
The director SB Group, Mr. Saad Sadiq, himself took part in every activity which shows his
devotion and dedication towards the aim set by the pioneer, Dr. Muhammad Sadiq, to promote
healthy and high standard egg production and consumption all around the country. SB Group
addressed the students and faculty and enlightened the audience on the nutritional benefits of
eggs and their importance. Arid University had also a walk which marked their keenness and
interest to celebrate the purpose of this day in all respects. Different activities like egg painting,
poster making, and other competitions to engage students with this cause in a fun way. Director
SB Group distributed certificates among the participants and appreciated the overall contribution
to this community engagement.
For the relevance of this day, director SB Group also paid his yearly visit to Rawalpindi
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI), where insightful discussions were shared among
President, Vice President RCCI and the delegates of Sadiq Group upon fostering and flourishing
the poultry industry. RCCI honored president also appreciated Mr. Saad Sadiq on his
successfully growing business and their contribution to Pakistan’s poultry industry. SB Group
also toured the directorate of Poultry Research Institute, Rawalpindi on this occasion of World
Eggs Day, where a meeting was held by the Pakistan Poultry Association on safe poultry
practices and certificates were distributed among the prominent figures. Like every year, Sadiq
Group celebrated this day with unwavering devotion and high spirits.